Friday, October 11, 2013

CVC Activity

I came across this activity on The Teacher's Treasure Chest. I thought it was a really neat idea for those students who are learning their CVC words.

I bought the activity and printed everything out. I cut it all apart and had it laminated for durability. When putting it together the way the directions said seemed like it was flimsy and would not stand up the way I felt it should. So, at that time I had an SMSU student in my room and we came up with pitting it in a three ring binder. This way it protected it, but also gave it more of a hard surface to work on. I also found the cards weren't flapping around and shifting side to side.

So this is what Paige and I came up with.

This is what the outside of the binder looked like.

This is what the inside looked like. If you notice I still kept the ring holders around the cards so they could easily flip, but I taped down the CVC Word Flip Chart sign. In the top pocket of the binder I put in the sheet that tells the students what each color means.


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