Friday, January 9, 2015


I know it has been extremely long since I have posted!  Life has been truly busy and I've been working on a scrapbook album for my cousins wife who has stage 4 breast cancer and now with numerous of spots on her brain.  I have finally finished that and got it sent off to them.

I'm currently working on spelling games and word games using scrabble letter tiles.  I'm always looking for new activities for the students to work on besides worksheets and repetitive work.  

I am still working on my nursery rhyme units and let me tell you they are coming along great and the students love them. It makes me feel more organized and feel a sense of accomplishment having something more structured for them. To me it doesn't feel like repetitive work and they love it!!!  I will take pictures again and post as now we have some letters up on the tree.

Well, time to make supper!  Stay warm!

Happy Learning!!!