Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Funny Farm Number Recognition Game

      Yee HAW!!!!  How's everybody doing on this snowy day!  Well, it's snowing here in Montana and it's COLD!!!!!  So, as you can tell today it's a "Funny Farm" type of day.  In my room, I'm always looking for new ways to make it fun for my students to learn.  Having them sit at a table or on the carpet is not only boring to me, but to them.  So, I'm putting a twist on teaching student's to recognize numbers 1-30.  With this game, there are "funny farm" cards and "boom" cards.  How this works is you have all the students either stand up in a line or in their carpet squares and you go around presenting a number to them.  If they get it wrong they sit down.  If they get it right they continue to stand.  There are the two cards that say "boom" and "funny farm."  If the student get's the "Boom" they automatically sit down...BUT...if they get "funny farm" the people sitting down stand up and the people standing up sit down.  There are no real winners in the game. Head on over to my TPT store and rope up this game!!! Click on the "Funny Farm" picture to pick up your copy of the game!!

 Funny Farm

Happy Learning!!


Friday, December 4, 2015

CVC Activity

In my room I do not like to keep my kindergarten students sitting for a very long periods of time. This group I have are very "antsy" and have to be up and moving and switching around a lot. We are working on first sound fluency and being about to sound out three letter and four letter words and form them together. I found a set of letters on Pinterest and printed out four sets of them, so that I could have smaller groups. I gave the students a word and they had to sound out the word and then find the letters to the word.

Once they had found the letters, they had to stand up and determine how to arrange them. This seemed to be the most challenging part for them. They seemed to be unsure which way the letters were suppose to go. We practiced it a few times and some of the groups caught on and some still struggled. The students had fun with this activity.

Not only was it working on sound out words and forming them together, but teaching them to work in a group and as a team.




I had the students hold the letters at their stomachs, so the other students could compare.

I would recommend printing your letters on card stock and then laminating for durability.


Happy Learning!!!!!
