Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fine Motor--Nuts and Bolts

I have come across that kids can have different types of motor skills that they need to work on. This activity makings working on the pincer grasp really good. This requires your two fingers to work the nuts and bolts together. I set it up so the kids have to determine which sizes go together and then having to use the pincer grasp.

For the nuts and bolts, I went and asked our janitor at school for different size bolts. He was so willing to help me that he gave me quite a few. Have I mentioned how helpful and funny he is?!?!?!?! If you don't have the. Around your school the local hardware store will work too.


Here are some pictures of what it looks like and a student working on the activity.


Havin to determine which nut and bolt foes together.



Happy Learning



Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Modified Puzzles

Puzzles can be hard for some students. This year, I have a lot of Autistic, Down Syndrome and Angelman's Syndrome and for these children, puzzles are a challenge. I took these puzzles from the dollar store and took pictures of the puzzles to make color copies of the puzzle. Then, I cut them out and pasted them inside the puzzle.

Here is what the puzzle looked like before I took it apart.


Then, after it printed the pictures out, I pasted them inside the puzzle. It's hard to tell that the puzzle pieces are not inside.


Once I got done, I let the students work on them. They had fun and it also taught them how to put a simple puzzle together.



Happy Learning,



Sunday, April 13, 2014

Week at a Glance April 14th - 17th

Here is what you will find we are doing in our classroom this week!  Remember there is NO SCHOOL April 18th and the 21st!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Crawling Caterpillars

I love all my games that I find. It seems like I seem to find more math games. This game came part of a pack and I just love it. It's so much fun to see the kids enjoy themselves and laugh. I do play sometimes, but I also like to take pictures. You might think all we do is play games, but we do our math lessons, grammar and reading. When we finish, that is when we play our games. Don't get me wrong, I do supplement learning games instead of completing a worksheet. My moto is more hands on is the more they learn.






Stop on over to the website and find a lot of the great games and learning materials. I also use Pinterest for ideas.



Happy Learning
