Friday, October 11, 2013

ABC Search: Sensory Activity

I found this activity on Pinterest and followed it the website that created it. It came from Little Hands, Big Work. I thought this was a really neat idea, because I currently have a student in here that has sensory issues and loves the feel of different textures and things. When making this activity, I would recommend having a big cookie sheet underneath the tub of rice. This way when they are playing it and feeling it at first you have a place for the rice to go. Believe me, it still will go every where else too. I found some foam alphabet and number puzzles I believe from Walmart. They are very cheap. I took out all the middle letters and numbers out of the foam pieces and put them in the rice and then put the left over pieces together like a puzzle. I laid one set next to the bucket of rice so that way when they were seraching for the letters or the numbers, they were able to transfer those pieces to the correct spots. I do also have the number puzzle set up too, because I do have the numbers mixed in with the rice.

When he picks a letter or a number I will have him say the letter or number. If he is unable to complete this task, then I will say the letter or number and have him repeat me.

He started out feeling the rice and squeezing it in his hands. Then he would take hand fulls and bring it up to his face.


This is were he was squeezing it and shaking it.


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