Anyways, with math I wanted to do a class activity with graphing, because not all the kids understood the concept and so I began my search online. I found a picture of a worksheet where they took the names of the students in the class and tally how many letters in the upper top of the worksheet. So, if they had 3 letter's they put one mark in that box...if they had 6 letters in their name they put a tally mark in that box and so on. Once they completed that, they went to the bottom and started to graph it. The student's really enjoyed this activity. My next project I want to do with my students is with M & M's and then something with the presidential election and the state's they been going too.
I am going to link up the worksheet and feel free to use it. Also, there is a cute book you can read to your class called, "The Great Graph Contest" by Loreen Leedy.
Happy Learning!!!