Sorry for not posting lately. I've been coaching track and soccer and it's been really busy. Along with all the Evaluation reports, IEP's and the referrals for the younger students that come in.
I found this activity awhile ago and I honestly don't remember if I got it off a blog or another site. The students love it and like running around the room looking for the lily pads that have the same ending of the card they have in their hand.
This activity has many different word endings, lily pads and frogs. There must be over a 100 word family cards. If I find it again, I will post the link on here.
I start out with handing the students a card and have them sound it out to me. Once they say the word they move on to finding the word around the room. I will lay the lily pads on the floor along with putting them in sneaky places for the older students. You might also have some of the younger students put them on the wrong lily pads, but you just have to correct them and make sure they understand that they need to look at the endings and talk about what words may go with the ending they put their card on the lily pad.
Here are some pictures of what the activity looks like.
Happy Learning